Large Lecture Room,
Kyushu University, Ito Campus, West Zone 5,Large Lecture Room

Jan. 07,2019
School and UniversityClass Room

Project Description

The Ito Campus of Kyushu University has completed its campus transfer after a process spanning 13 years. The enormous campus is comprised of the Center Zone, East Zone, and West Zone and houses various departments and functions that have transferred from other campuses.

The Large Lecture Room is the main facility of West Zone 5 of the Ito Campus

When you enter through the main entrance on the east side of West Zone 5 and climb the stairs straight ahead, you will encounter the Large Lecture Room. Inside the room, there are movable desk seats with casters for the 10 rows in the front and fixed desk seats for the 8 rows in the back. These products were chosen with a view toward a wide range of uses, including meetings and conferences, in addition to large lectures for undergraduate and graduate students. If the movable desk seats are stacked and stored, the space for the 10 rows in the front turns into an open space.

Characteristics of the movable and fixed seats that were developed as desk seats for lectures

The movable seats have back rests and seats with three-dimensional curves that enable users to sit comfortably for long periods of time. It is possible to stack and store them in parallel by lifting up the seats. The desks can also have their boards folded to be stacked compactly in parallel for added convenience.

The fixed seats are special for their cushions that are as thick as those in the guest seats of theaters and halls. What sets them apart is the angle of their back rests. In theaters and halls, users lean back and put their weight on the back rests, but in lecture rooms, users sit up to listen to the lecture or lean forward to take notes and use their computers. The angle of the back rest is set close to be perpendicular to support listening and writing, resulting in a seat that naturally improves posture.

Also, the “Spacia,” which creates a triangular form when seen from the side, was used for the shape of the seat. The area of the seat that comes into contact with the back of the knee is made smaller to provide a lot of room by the feet, allowing users to bend their knees easily. For this reason, good posture can be maintained when writing, and users can stand and sit smoothly.

Project Summary

Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Map
Kyusyu University
Jan, 2018