Product List

Retractable Seating1-12(Total 13 Count)

Matrix System
Making arena seats more comfortable!
Chair installation system that meets global standards
Semi-Auto or Manual Retractable Seating System (Telescopic Seating System)
Full Automatic Retractable Seating (Telescopic Seating System)
Type P series for Retractable Seating
Type LW series for Retractable Seating
Type L series for Retractable Seating
Lux series for Retractable Seating
A new kind of arena seat for a luxury experience
Three-layered cushion type
Or blown type with excellent maintainability
Bench series for Retractable Seating
Bench series featuring simple design and easy operation
Type Sseries for Retractable Seating
Simple standard retractable seating
Type 5R series for Retractable Seating
Type 5ATR series for Retractable Seating
VISION for Retractable Seating
Blow molded arena seat for excellent durability and comfort
1-12(Total 13 Count)

Special Website

  • Retractable Seating
  • Cinema Seats